Canada’s New Majority

a non-partisan, non-profit org laser focused on getting-out-the-votefervently fosters youth agencyis a data driven get-out-the-vote machineis dedicated to building a Canada for all of us

Canada’s New Majority 

fervently fosters youth Canada’s data driven get-out-the-vote mobile and zealous about building a Canada for bolstering democracy through voter turnout.

Mobilizing Youth and First-Time Voters

We get young people to vote. We know how and we’ve proven it. We’ve been organizing and getting-out-the-vote in provincial and federal elections since 2018.

Mobilizing Young Voters

New Majority is a non-partisan, non-profit organization laser focused on getting first-time, young voters to the polls

Amplifying Concerns

We are listening to what Canada’s New Majority cares most about. We then share those concerns widely

Strategic & Informed

We’re informed by the most innovative U.S. election canvassing strategies to build a best-in-class organizing machine

New Majority

Voter Mobilization

Gen Z and Millennials are the driving force behind Canada’s New Majority. We are working to strengthen democracy through increased voter engagement and inclusive governance.

New Majority

Featured By

Our organization shines prominently in Canadian media. Our work captivates Canada’s most prestigious publications, TV networks, and online platforms.

Recent Media Snapshot

Our organization’s recent media coverage highlights our inspiring work and impact, motivating others to join our mission.